Dennis Holverda

Dennis Holverda is 45 years old. Since 2001 he is working at the Therapeutische Maatschap Gimbornhof in Zevenaar. After his studies in Physiotherapy, Manual Therapy and Cranio-Sacral Therapy he decided to study Osteopathy.

In 2007 he graduated as D.O. at the ‘International Academy of Osteopathy’. Since then he works as an registered Osteopath in his practice. He is working daily with a lot of pleasure, treating adults, children and babies with all kinds of symptoms.

For him Osteopathy is everything! Even as an graduated Osteopath you can always learn new things. This will never end.

New development and deepening of Osteopathy are exciting. So after his graduation he directly started to deepen the biodynamic aspects of Osteopathy. This way of diagnosing and treating is more close to the principles of Osteopathy to support the selfhealing forces of the human body. Not only looking for the cause but also stimulating the vitality of the body to help to recover. This all makes Osteopathy a beautiful profession.