Course ‘New Tools in Osteopathy’ Vertebral Column

Date: 15, 16 en 17 november 2019
Theme: ‘New Tools in Osteopathy’  Vertebral Column

Osteopathic Studies organises courses which match with the traditional intellectual legacy of A.T. Still. Together with experienced osteopaths from at home and abroad we want to share our knowledge and skills with other osteopaths.

To osteopaths who like to get new information and renew the traditional techniques this course is a “must do”. With an experienced international teacher we are going to apply new insights to improve our perception. “Dig on and explore”. With theory and a lot of practice we are going to perfect our treatment.

During our courses experienced tutors are present to coach the participants while practising. Besides Osteopathic Studies strives after low-budget organising.

We are proud and happy to announce that we succeeded in getting a renowned international speaker to the Netherlands.

Maurice Bensoussan,  ‘New Tools in Osteopathy’  Vertebral Column

15, 16 en 17 november 2019

‘ To treat the spine, and thereby irritate the spinal cord oftener than once or twice a week will cause the vital assimilation to be perverted, and become the death – producing excretor, by producing the abortion of the living molecules of life, before fully matured, while in the cellular system, which lies immediately under the lymphatics’

A.T. Still, Phylosophy of Osteopathy ( pg 217)

Treating the spine is more complex than we often think. Good tools are an advantage for good results.

In his course “New Tools in Osteopathy” Maurice Bensoussan will teach us effective ways to diagnose and treat problems in the vertebral column. He will emphasise precision in this practical course. Innovations, improvements of present knowledge, sometimes lost, sometimes found again, are the basis of his course.

In 35 years of hard-working life as dental surgeon and osteopath Maurice has experienced how much the vertebral column influenced the jaw and vice versa. And how important it is to base corrections on anatomy and fysiology to get an optimal result.

In this course we study, diagnose and treat the vertebral column and jaw, occlusionproblems, scoliosis and (part of) posturology.

The concept of ”Springs” will be explained. The “Springs” are a symbolic contruction, which helps us in diagnosing and treating. In this (new) way it is getting clear how to use the ‘Fulcrum of Sutherland” in a treatment.

Also working with compression, as Dr. Rollin Becker did, will be explained and applied into osteopathic dysfunctions.

The term “The Mechanism” will be further explored. It is a term that is used and misused a lot, but never really explained. Mainly by practising Maurice Bensoussan will provide insight into the working of “The Mechanism”.

Since Maurice is a man of “hands on”, we will do a lot of practice!

“Find it, fix it and leave it alone, so that nature can do its work” is a statement which for sure applies to this course. Thorough knowledge and scientifically reliable backgrounds are a must, but finally it is about what you find in this particular patient and not about the projection of a theory!

Date:15, 16 and 17 november 2019
Timeschedule 15 november:08.00h Registration, coffee/tea
08.30h – 17.30h course, incl. lunch and closing with a drink together
Timeschedule 16 november:08.30h – 17.30h course incl. lunch
Timeschedule 17 november:08.30h – 17.30h course incl. lunch

Osteopathic Studies will organise a dinner for all participants on Friday-evening 15 november. It is necessary to register your participation and choices: meat/fish/vegetarian food. In the form you can also give in intolerances, allergies and other dietpreferences.

Costs of the course:   450,00   euro

Included: coffee/tea/water/ and 2x lunch. Not included are dinner and stay.