“The Osteopathic concept is not a theory.
It’s a statement of fact, a fundamental law of health”

Arthur E. Allen, D.O. President American Osteopathic Association

Voor osteopaten, door osteopaten

Met open mind en open hart, samen leren.

Osteopathic Studies

Non-profit organisation

Osteopathic Studies is a non-profitorganisation of osteopaths who dedicate themselves unselfishly to osteopathy, our passion. Aimed at your personal development we want to organise courses in which we ameliorate our perception as osteopaths, where we can exchange experiences and where we can study the intellectual legacy of A.T. Still.

Osteopathic Studies stands for osteopathy as it is meant, in all its aspects. Not only mechanical, not only fascial, but the entire scale.

Back to the source: A. T. Still

‘I love my fellow man, because I see God in his face and in his form’ – A.T. Still

A.T. Stills drive was not to fight symptons, but to heal his fellow man more effective and offer real help. He saw man in his wholeness as part of Nature. He linked Form and Function to Health. Something that was unique in the traditional medical practice of that time, where doctors subscribed medicins to fight symptoms.

For him osteopathy was a “Health Service”, meant to be beneficial to health. The successors of Still gave their own interpretation to the principles of osteopathy, coloured by time, place and perspective.

Osteopathic Studies wants to go back to the source, to the language and metaphores of A.T. Still. What did he mean with Health? How did he look at man?

For Osteopathic Studies perception/feeling is important. These days sensing is often seen as subjective. Something that doesn’t really matter. Reasoning and explaining are seen as objective and are more appreciated. A.T. Still appreciated both, sensing and reasoning.


For osteopaths, by osteopaths!

The better you can feel and name what you feel, the more effective your treatment will be.

An effective treatment

On April 4, 5 and 6 2025 Osteopathic Studies will organise the course: The Vascular System – A Cranial Osteopathic Approach.
Prior to the course on April 3 2025, the Basic Tools Day, as a good preparation for the course.

As an osteopath you want to treat your patient as good as possible. You want to continue studying
and growing. Osteopathic Studies gives you the possibility to develop your sensing skills, together
with other osteopaths. Our courses give you the deepening you need. Because the better you can
feel, the better your hands will feel, the better your results will be.